Cardiac Electrophysiology Consultants of South Texas, P.A.

Medical Center Tower I
7950 Floyd Curl Drive
Suite 803
San Antonio, TX 78229
tel: 210-615-9500
fax: 210-615-9600
email: office at
Specializing in the compassionate care of people who suffer from abnormalities of the electrical system of the heart Current Insurance Plans: We accept most major commercial insurance plans. Please call for details.
Medicare: We have opted out of Medicare, and are happy to care for Medicare beneficiaries on an affordable cash basis. Note: Federal law prohibits signing the Federally-mandated opt-out contract with a Medicare beneficiary who is in an emergency situation.
No insurance? No problem! Consider our affordable Fee for service (direct pay).
Home of the Original Personalized Medical Office SystemTM released April 5, 2013

General information about the heart for patients, their family members, and concerned laymen

  The Arrhythmias Section Contents
Cardiac Electrophysiology Studies
     Cardiac electrophysiological studies deal with the electrical system of the heart. Like an automobile engine, the heart has an electrical system that drives the mechanical system. In an automobile, the battery, through the distributor and spark plugs, causes the pistons to turn the drive shaft. In the heart, the sinoatrial node, though the atrial muscle, atrioventricular node, and His-Purkinje system, causes the ventricular muscle to contract and generate the heart beat.

During an electrophysiological study, three to six solid catheters, each of which containing four to twenty electrodes, are positioned in various parts of the heart to study the pattern of electrical activity during normal and abnormal rhythms. There are various tests, differing in the number of catheters, the location of the catheters, and the testing that is done during the study. People who have one of these studies usually have had an abnormal heart rhythm that requires more precise definition before the best treatment can be determined.

The nature of the test from the viewpoint of the person having it, and the risks of the test, are about the same as those of right heart catheterization. When abnormal heart rhythms are started during the test, they can almost always be stopped easily. There is the additional risk that the rhythms may not be stopped easily; this is primarily of concern when the rhythms are potentially lethal. Even in these cases, however, the rhythm can almost always be stopped quickly and easily.

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